Three easy steps to double (or triple) your vacation days without asking your boss for more days off. This study was done with the assumption that you have 10 paid vacation days. If you have more than 10 you can use these tips to get even more time of while still getting your work done. Happy travels!
Extending your weekends allows for short getaway trips. Taking off a Friday and/or Monday gives you enough time to relax and re-energize for the week. Leave on a Thursday night and come back on a Monday night. Traveling domestically within a 3 hour flight radius is the best way to take advantage of this time.
Pair holidays with weekends to use the least amount of vacation days. This strategy is perfect for international trips or extended getaways. Think five or more hour radius for flights and 6-7 day trips.
By strategically pairing holidays and weekends throughout the year it is possible to increase your vacation days from 10 days off (14 including 2 weekends) to 34 days off throughout the year. The average office gets 8 days off for holidays. Pairing those 8 holidays off with the 10 paid vacation days placed around holidays and weekends (total of 16 weekend days) will get an employee more than double their allotted vacation days. 34 days for you to explore the world.
Happy Travels!
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