Watson Adventures

June 6, 2019 | Sarah Funky



We scurried frantically down the cathedral high ceilings of a corridor at the Met. We were only four clues away from discovering the murderer and why it was pinned around the museum’s planned multi-million-dollar purchase of a rare painting by Leonardo da Vinci. No, this was not a dream, this was an evening with Watson Adventures, a company that creates incredibly thought out and professional scavenger hunts.

Fans of murder mysteries and The Da Vinci Code will love this scavenger hunt throughout the Metropolitan Museum of Art. A murdered curator has left behind a cryptic trail of clues connected with secrets in works of art. As your team gathers answers about the art, you begin to piece together a sordid tale about greed, lust, pride, revenge, and treachery. The murder victim knew too much—and now it’s your turn to learn what he knew and discover what drove one of four suspects to commit murder. To find out, you’ll have to crack a secret code left in the victim’s appointment calendar.

I gathered four close friends to take on this hunt. Two and a half thought provoking and hypnotizing hours later, we had walked countless miles, seen corridors and passageways of the museum that I had never been in, and only been scolded by one security guard. It was a victory if I had ever seen one. Then we found out we came in third to last place. That’s okay though, because we tried our best, right? The reality is, “The Murder at the Met” is their most challenging and popular hunt and only for adults. It is the ultimate test of your mystery solving abilities.

Even though we didn’t win, we had a hell of a time and are talking about doing more of their hunts. Watson Adventures is located in most major US cities, and in New York City alone they offer more than 50 different hunts. You’re sure to find one that is perfect for you.

Are you up for the challenge?

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